Al Umm : The Masterpiece of Imam Syaf'i

Imam Syafi'i is a moslem genius. He is a prodigy in Al Qur'an, Hadits, fiqih and poetry also (In another time, we would like to share his poetry compilation, Diwanus Syafi'i). His popular poetry for Indonesian santri, is Ala la, the poetry (syi'ir) about special conditions for students and knowledge searcher.

Imam Syafi'i combining the Imam Malik school of thought -- As Syafi'i became a student in Imam Malik base, Madinah, and learnt Al Muwattha' there -- with Imam Hanafi's school of thought, then creating his own Mazhab Asyafi'iyah.  Imam Syafi'i's School Of Thought became the most popular in Indonesia.
download kitab-Al Umm-masterpiece

Al Umm is his masterpiece. It divided, usually in nine book. Here we will begin by sharing its first book. This first book of Al Umm contain for exampel about :

  • Al Bayan, the foundation of Islamic religion, eg. Al Qur'an, Hadits, etc.
  • Zakat
  • Fasting
  • Hajji
  • Hadits categories

Here you can download the first book of  Al Umm karya Imam Syafi'i
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