Maybe, we think we know Marx, or Marxism. The man and ideology that he carries. Who is Karl Marx, thick bearded old man? His name is synonymous with communism. Mention Marx, is given the history of communism and "dark" that seemed to accompany this understanding.
In Indonesia alone, we seem to be led to believe would be bad memories about Marxism. Not that here the admin support Marxism, but really we have to think clearly? Do we have assessed Marxism fairliy enough?
I know, after reading some of his work, Marx first is a scientist, a brilliant scientist. He speaks and writes about many things, with amazing detail.
This post, invites readers to take a moment to look Marx as a thinker, not as a carrier of the ideology of Communism or Marxism.
Here are some books by Marx, which can be read. You can download it here.
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