Indonesian Historian : Prof. Sartono Kartodirdjo

Prof. Dr A. Sartono Kartodirdjo is Indonesian historian and a pioneer in the writing of history with a multidimensional approach. Before becoming a teacher, he is familiarly called Sartono is completing his education, MULO, and HIK. When attending HIK (school candidates brothers), who was born in Winton, February 15, 1912 is trained sensitivity and sharpness inner intuition that led him into a figure of ascetic scientist.

When the age of 44 years, Sartono completing undergraduate education at the Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia on the sidelines of teaching in one of the schools in Jakarta. Then continuing education master's degree at Yale University, USA having previously taught at the University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta and Bandung Teachers' Training College. He graduated in 1964 followed by continued education doctorate two years later.

In 1968, Sartono confirmed as a professor of the University of Gajah Mada. In his dissertation (The Peasants' Revolt of Banten in 1888, It's Conditions, Course and Sequel: A Case Study of Social Movements in Indonesia) that he has made for his doctorate considered by many as a bridge in the history of the development of Indonesia. He considers that the dissertation is a form of protest against the Indonesian historiography conventional and Neerlandosenteris.

In the dissertation, the father of two children trying to change the view with the courage of a social movement that is carried out by farmers to fight against injustice. He also tried to eliminate viruses are inferior to foreign nations when it disproportionately affects people of Indonesia.

As a historian of the first generation, Sartono has given birth to many children become common thread connecting the ideas that he often catapult. Not only in Indonesia, International world Sartono also recognize excellence in science history. Greatness is what drove him receive Objects Prize awarded by historian HJ Objects in 1977.

During his life, Sartono known as intellectual asceticism. On many occasions, he always reminded of the importance of ascetic attitude within a professional. According to him, someone who undergo ascetic attitude is people doing mental exercises to refrain from physical lust. So that the cognitive aspects that produced a logical attitude, critical, analytical, and discursive. Not only that, during his lifetime, he also spawned his work in dozens of books and hundreds of articles. One of his famous book is Introduction to the History of the New Indonesia, Volume I and Volume II Age of Empire National Historical Movement.

On December 7, 2007 Sartono breathed his last at Panti Neat, Jogjakarta at the age of 87 years. Throughout his life, he did not just give an example and role model as a historian of Indonesia but also provide inspiration and ideas for the life of the nation.

In a quote, Sartono revealed that science is not just a narrative history. Not only are the stories of all-round fun. Because the approach is not merely of historical knowledge, but must utilize the help of anthropology, sociology, following other scientific disciplines. Moreover, since writing the history of Indonesia, the way it should Indonesiasentris approach and should not be fascinated with the fable of the kings or great man. Because the people, farmers, and grassroots also has a very significant role which also helped shape the history.

If you would like to read somo of his writings, this is a link to his article in Civilizations journal, with title "Desa". He was discussing issues of Desa (village) in Indonesia in historical perspective.
You can download it here
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